Monday, January 3, 2011

First day of school :)

today morning wake 5.05am..with amei...

After finish bathing then...........skip.

after 5.30am we went down eat our breakfast...

finish eating we start to go and stanby to go skul..

Whuu...kinda excited><

after few minutes..arrive skual...:)

when down from car...with my first step ..of my leg..

amei felt scared XD 

saw dao my dear ..:P all boys botak XD hehe

today in free...nthg to do...and no teacher teaching ...just sit there..

talk alot = =

and arranging tables and chairs...

then just pass lai dat..

eng teacher said we need to SOLO in our oral test..shit@@

i hate = = till here...

wish 2mr hav a nice day ...and all the best for me ..

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