Monday, April 25, 2011


Nothing to do at home , Missing dear , Sleeping in the afternoon :D Until dear message me to call him . :D
But I din't read it I just continue my sleep @@ Keliann My dear , he wait me . Dear , Today miss You mucchhy <3 Almost one year after 52days we Have been in one year :D Whee , Day past so fast ><
Wuhuu , 2mr is the busy day in the week , Dear also , alot of tuition class : (
Dear dear ,
I am plaining to make a book that a bout our stories inside it :P But I don't know how to start :D hahaxD
Just update my Bloggie and my dear's blog too : ) 2mr skul again like usually ,
Every day doin the same thing , Really bored >< !!
Exam is coming soon , I think I will getting a zero marks :D for all subject  I mean !! :D
Hahaha :P Till here . Night ^^

Saturday, April 23, 2011

23April =3

Morning : Wakey At 10.15 a.m Goin E,p With friends : ) 
Arrive Bakchi House at 10.35a.m If not wrong :) 
Moving to E,p With bakchi , Meet Lumi .
-> Laughing , hanging around , bought a necklace on all our neck :D Nice!!
and me and Bakchi bought a ANGRY BIRD hanger!
Ma dear also had it!! <3 i bought for him one:D
And walking around looking for Lumi cloths , Went to many kinds of shops :P
Ate chicken rice with Bakchi in the morning : ) This is my breakfast :D <3 hahax
And then continue our work :D Is walk and shooooping :D Tried everykind of cloths ^^
At 1.04pm Meet my dear :) he was pretending walk straightly :D So naughty :P
walk with dear :) and talking laughing , while finding my friend ><
Then 1.18pm Dear went to piano lesson, 
Im continue walking with friend ^^
After that we went to took picture at the second floor : P
 Dear want my Red angry bird :) so i gave him <3 I took yellow :)
anyway is the same ^^  :D
After 1.59pm Im goin to leave E,p meet dear at TOP10 to followed his car back his house: )
our sweet moment started ther :) <3
Building our sweet home in THE SIMS 3 : ) A big and beautiful awesome house! love it dear^^
What a awesome builder eu are dear^^
Playing and having fun together : ) Included my little maggie :D A puppy:D cute!:D
BLABLABLA,,,,,,,,,, erMM~
aFTER 6pm im bak!! Home:! DOne!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

♥ I Rmb.


The day We chat on facebook ,You ask me to put you as my Kbro ,then I faster go and changed it XD, You added me by your one of ur friends . You find me at Msn , You type this " Hi^^"  I just chasing my times because I have to 0ff that time , So that I give you my number and off i thought you are my one of my Kbrother , But I am wrong :) xD

After a day , You sms me , You chat with me alot .. ask me to introduce myself :) Then we chat whole day , at night we keep webcam ..Keep laughing and talking , Alots .. One of the day I cried in webcam ,Because of somethings of my past things , Then you told me dont cry .. XD I feel so shame ~and one day I press wrong the phone , Its calling You .. You said that 'HELLOW'
 I felt so scared XD then i jst keep quiet XD
and change topic~ :P

After 3 days ,

15 June 2010 ♥

The day I was at my friend house overnight , at the afternoon , You sent me a sweet message and ask me about to start our life being together , thats time I got Felt fall to You too , Then I said I do <3
So . . The story start like this^^ then opening school is coming so we got meet at school :D You so cute^^ I love u much that time^^ I love you this kind of boy :P I like to bite and punch eu XD And we change bottle used XD

After 1week , We goin to meet at E.p , The first time saw you felt so shame XD and felt want to hug eu XD
And you told me that ' You are so tiny' !! :D Haha , that time I so shame~Then I wait you went piano lesson ~
Then our first kiss was start at ther :D <3 teheee I lov3 You when u said HELLOW "D

This is our Babes :D Patrick and maggie :D Mine Dolly and Dear Doggie <3

15June - 27 October 2010 ♥

Then This is our real first couple picture :D

until - 28november ..

You started fall in love with a girl . 
 Our love was over , This is what i thought.


30December 2010 ♥

then at 30December we out together for celebrated our NEW YEAR 2011~~

We started be together back , :)) You had chased me back <3 

Then on February 2011 ♥

Valentines day , You had bought me a BEAR ^^

this is the first time i delivered a brea from my own boyfriend!! My gosh!!<3
 Thankss YOu^^ 


2011~~ Arrived ~ This is April 10 <3 11months<3  


    Sky started changed into White , Human heart started being evil , Lord save us .

    World became  Misery , Everthing is talking about Money . No money no talk .

    Silence , Day and night , Friends are gone . Love Please don't go away , 
    I just left you behind to hold and talk on . Don't close your eye and turn left don't walk far from me :( 

    Please stop in this moment , I want to stop and take a breathe . 
    It was Stuck .

Monday, April 11, 2011

Nobdy here to wipe my tears , ..
Nobody here to kiss my lips and tell me that ' Everthing is alright."
Nobody here to hold me , 
Nobody here to hug me ....
Maybe just eu can . </3

Tears , go away . . 
I dunlike eu . .
I dunwan meet eu , 
I need him . , Cum here daleng.:( 
Please don;t go away , ..
I need eu now .. :(( </3