Wednesday, February 23, 2011

23 February♥

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Today You came my house ..Felt so happy and so awesome ! :) I Miss you much already ..Just 4hours eu 

back i had already miss you here ! omg...I scared that i lost eu = ( But eu wunt leave me I know : ) You 

know what i think now ? You felt don't like message with me :( I don't know why ...Hoho.maybe I think 

too much ...Argh...The first day you message me was the different way..but after a few months , i feel that

we had no topic to message at all ? dear~ I love eu much .. I had fine my true love eu knw that ? I feel so

happy when the day you gave me the teddy bear ? REmeber that ? I think you will ...Dear~ i wish our 

love will not end ..And i wish you are my future husband ...hmmm:) You are perfect for me ..I dunlike it 

when you keep quiet ..its make me felt that you dosen't like to talk with me : ( im so sorry ..BEcause I am 

that sensitive...Exam cuming mood to prepare at all :) just think bout u and I = Future..hmmm~ 

This is so stupid > 0 <Yesterday ,suddenly me and bakchii talk bout goin to KL for shopping ..The first i 

think bout to bring eu go..but ..after i tell eu ..You dosen't look like got any i not in mud to ask

u to join..its ok..i just go with friend...i scared my dad dun give me ...But i ask him about that..he said 

ok....i felt so happy ...But i want you to go too..=[ but dear eu SPM.. wish eu all the best!! Always love eu 

..dear~ muacks..No matter how ..I will always stay and hold you by ur side :) I LOVE YOU!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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