Friday, December 24, 2010

24 December

我们今天早上起床...with my laopo bakchi..

we want to prepare go to buy books at bookshop :)

then after we eaten our breakfast we start to go out..

i didn't eat the breakfast ..because that time full :)

 we walk through many shops..

after buying our books..

anwe went to shopping and help amei's mum finding cloths and trying ..

we walk le more then 3 hours...

we felt so hungry..all said that..AH~ WE SO HUNGRY XD

accuatlly we need to go practice our dance ..

but suddenly we think le many times...

felt that this fees so expensive to pay...

so we cancel edy...and then we go tapau our food :)

and then back hum~

back le hum...we sleeeeeeeepppppppp....ZZzz

then eat le dinner jiu go measure our baju kurung amei's mum friends house :)

then im on my way back hum!! ^^ 

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