Monday, December 20, 2010


Today me , bakchi and shagua 

wake up early ~ because of the house phone rang ~

so noisy ...then we wakeup and walk to the front room :D

at ther...hanging around ..and laughing :P

Today kinda miss eu :P

Suddnly thinking back of last nite ~

that is my first time play dao so high with eu >.<

run here and catch u ther...@@

Waiting for eu to fang gung ...

Many ppl find me chat at fb in chatbox...but i bu xiang chat :)

and last nite saw dao eu sms+ing with ur k mei~ 

felt so sad and jelouse..

Im keep thinking ~ why am i so stupid >< thinking this kind of stupid things..

ur not my bf anymore..for whut im jelousing ><
so im tryin to forget..~

hmm :) and i ask u now who am i for eu ? 

eu reply me : ) im ur bendan@@

anyway la :P 

And shagua suddenly back hum lea..

miss her laugh and we sleep and stick together XD haha:P

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