Monday, May 23, 2011

Today is Monday XD

Felt so excited about the holiday!! Can't wait to meet my dear owh!! :)) whee , Dear , i miss you dy!!~
Today exam kinda hard for moral but i done it all!! science kinda easy but , i didn't read all of it , I think i will failed :( Dear ah , today i feel so weird coz i already stater xi guan didn't sms with you , And i no need to hide my phone into my cupboard XD And i keep studying , I wish the exam pass faster!! wohoo~ 13days left my birthday had arrive !!! yeahhhh~ can't wait it can't wait it!! woohooo ><!! Dear , how are you today ! pray that you was great and happy , And now wan jia you for 2mr perdagangan exam and science  , Studying till half i asleep on my sofa>< just now afternoon!! when i woke up i just realiazed that i was sleeping ><!! but i dream about my study tooo XD
continue study!! :) dada~

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunday :(

Today was boring :( wake up also need give people scold , Acuatly today go out witH Lumi , After finish bath and prepare to go out then she called me , And said she can't out no car back home=.=!! Make me bacatt!! ><
Omgg! i almost forgot tomorw need exam , Now play game , afternoon sin study lur ><
Boring boring boring !! No eat food breakfast or anything == !! bo mood,..k la end!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday =]


This is my parents Closet.

And this is mine .: )
Today I wake u  p at 9.00am , Cleaning my room , My closet and my parents closet , Because I dislike messy><
I clean and make is tidy so that Look nice ! :) After that I tidy up all the things and I vakum the room and so on , While waiting my dear back from school , Today call he wakeup at 5.30am ~ My piggie dear..Miss him alreadyX: Dear, How was ur exam , Is dat okay ? I pray all the best for eu dear , Just now Jona and the drama team wrote on the facebook bout they had won , Im felt happy too , They can won and head to Perak ,Thanks god, amen.! But our Youth Got Talent had cancel , Kinda sad , But its ok la , At least you guys won ^^ felt happy too^^ July u guys head to Perak again , Pray you guys won again ya. Thanks god amen, I wish the exam week past faster , I want to meet him :( Im going on crazy , Missing him everyday >!!< Is that the same with you too ? :) I trust you<3TRJ love you my dearest.! =] today morning I donwana eat , So just drink a cup of hot milo , Tonight have tuition ~ Next monday exam science and maths! i wish i can do! I hav confidence! Candy u can do! :) bendan>!< like dear said always benzhu! :P Kay. END HERE.<3 all the best everyone=] 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Nothing special happen today , Just worried bout my exam , Sejarah, This subject Is I hate the most :( Don't know why:PS ..But today I try to read it and understand it , Ifs make me feel kinda interesting But after 10minutes not enough I start to fallen a sleep XD Haha , I m trying to read and read and write , But at least I know something ,Without learning nothing , Just now chatting with my dear , But now he was gone ~ no reply already , Kinda dissapeared I think XD hmm, Just now c back your blog when I am not beside you , You chai write ur blog , you told me it is because you want to show out your feeling, I read back your bloggie , Its make me feel  that I so bad , The word you write this
( Candy,
you in my life  you are a person who understands me the most
and care me the most
is my fault I accidentally left you
I regret it really.
when I chase u back im too late
and im wrong i should not leave u and gtr back
u gt a boyfriend dy, that u told me
at my new facebook i saw u comment yours boyfriend picture
I saw d word "dear" 
my mood keep decrease 
im so stupid i leave a girl treat me good than my all x girlfriend
so now I will non stop keep chase u back you
to do my real one the true one girl friend
than now u also choose back he
I better I choose to leave this this world.
I hate this feeling when see you and your boyfriend picture 
I feel a bit gandong , Because no boys tell me this before , when they lost me they just dont care and find other girl ,But you not same ,You lost me make you more love me ,But now dear your love to me isit never change ? I trust you ,I think it is true, But i ldo love you much ,No matter you hurt me before or leave me alone before ,Cuz you make me feel a boy who protecting me in my life and share everything of your own , Dear, althought sometimes you treat me xiung or dont have reply my message I will feel more love u >o< Dear , although u treat me like this , But everyday you also making me smile no matter that I am falling my tears You also trying ur best to make me smile like this :))
I love you , Cute >< Making jokes and telliing those kinda weird thing ..Sometimes I feel that I am so stupid , Why you never tag me in facebook or you liking my thing in facebook got like but not really much , And you never mention any of my name in your facebook or writing a status about me or els, I will feel so jelously That you tag ur friend but you never tag me ,And one day my friend told me ,This not mean he not love u ,Mean your name for him is so important so dat he dunwan to mention ur name everytime in facebook, Then this makes me feel better , And now i understand..<3
Dear , I love u , 

TI;ll here ,END.

Monday, May 16, 2011

16 May ,, That night =D

 We talks a lot , Talk about our past that the firstday we start our life together :) We promise each other that care each other until we die together : ) I love this feel, Wish everynight can stop at that night ...We talk about how we meet , How we know each other , From wher , And when did we start and when we celebrate birthday together ,what is our  first present from each other , I remeber all this! <3 <3 I remember when did we start our life together ! I remember when you told me That u fall for me , I remember our first kiss , I remember our first hug .. I remember the first day that i went your house , I remember! :)) Dear , I love you , I do! 19days more one year <3 muacks! lve u dear..

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Is that I am not good enough ? : (

I m trying my best to Care , Love and hold you , But how many times you rejected and tell me that you not in mood at all , and then I chat with Stella she tell me that you are gaming at ther , Or you wan to make your bad mood in to good mood in your game ? Is that I not care you enough ? I need someone to care me too : ( But Did I have ? No , I dosen't Have , Dear , I miss you :( Just now exam so damn hard :( after that the paper i felt want to cry , Because section A really damn hard , But I thought a word from you, That just answer Which I know , :( And my friend , My lovely sister , Leong , Jst now she cool to me , My heart all over broken : ( She asked is that I hate her , I said I no hate her , Just because a small problem change into a big problem , DEAL. okay then , Just smile smile smile no mattter how hurt and how sad :)) smile! No body to care me its ok , God i know u still care me <3 Love you.everything will be fine then !,

我的淚就如水龍頭一樣的一直為你而流XD 这是真的吗??

Dear Bloggie , I think that my eye so sensetive , Just a small thing My tears also will drop like dis ><
I thought you will break with me today , But you no , I felt dat you dosen't care me le , But now I got felt dao you still care me , Dear , When you said dat you donoe How the feel when you fal in someone , After I explain To dear , you just understand , Dear , I Love you much lea =[ Wish dat you won't leave me ,But if i force dear also no use , Because ur heart no me inside already ,But dear now You tell me you love me more than 100 percen more , I felt a little bit happy because you still have that heart to fix me inside ..thankss dear :) Dear , Don't know why how much u hurt me ,I still love u much and more and much!! Dear :( Pray that we don't break our promise <3
21 days more jiu one year le , If break like dis , so waste lea :( Muack , I will be more perfect , More good , more care , More Love you dear :( I will try my best lea :( love you .

Saturday, May 14, 2011

today .

Dear , today almost break , Dear said that I no care dear more , I will care dear more  :) Dear , Love you much :( Dear , don't break ur promise ! dat dear take care me forver d =[ Dear , miss you , Just now go ur house take things , Saw ur face felt so sad , Your face , telling me that You are damn sad : ( Dear , pig u , Today thought is monday no sms me , i thought dear was sleeping manatau called dear , dear laughing at ther and so noisy , Dear told me that dear went out with friend go giant , I feel weird why exam time dear can out with them can't out with me , :( Dear .....after 21 days  we jiu pakto le one year lur..dear know ma ? Or just i countdown myself , you : ( And wish dat dear will always happy and I will stay right beside u de and care dear :) and hold dear u! <3

c :

I not really know what to say ler : ( I changed or you changed le  , Whose wrong is not important ..
Dear , You still love me or not , But when I ask you how many percen you love me ,But you answered me That You don't know : ( This feel so hurt .. Just you not know how much you love me :( How le ? This mean what ?
Should we stopp ? Don't so fast jue ding >< I love you lea , I miss you , I need you , But do you ??
You know what you want ma ? Is that every couple also have the same problem ? Isit ? I just can't stop thinking , Last night , I cried whole night , Did you know ? : ( You knw , But I not dare to talk , I dunwan you to feel sad :(
Dear . . Do you love me ? :( Just Yes or No ... almost one year le , If we stop here , So waste le .. so hard walk together till today , Just stop like dat ? I wun't ... I must protect this love !! I don't want to lost my love again! :( !!
Just walk and c what happening on next . Love u!

Dissapointed =[

 还记得这一天 ? 我想你已经忘了 .

Friends memories Never End=]

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

BItch you .

 You really such a BITCH ,

your mouth look like full of those shits ,

Clean it lar amea.. Just know how to create a story ,

Better go create ur own story ><

EHhhh , Exuse me , Please get out !

= . = Jaga kau , ada balasan tu !

go church also don't what mean is

Polite ><

Monday, May 9, 2011

Today: )

Nothing special , Study and goin school like usual :)) ~
Exam left 2days :( Jia you dear , friends and myself! <3


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Church Day !!

Today went to Church to pray :) with bakchi and her mum and sister :) 
Today is MOTHER'S DAY !! I had bought her a bouque of flower :D hehe
although it was cheap , but full of my heart in ther :) Love you mommy! : )
Always , Today went to Indo cafe mamam MANGO SAGU !! my fav  XD 
If dear know I eat later he will said , NO COLD WATER :D 
hehe ~~ cutee bhaa my dear , Updating my bloggie and change layout again! :) 
Tomorow going skul again , exam nearly >< kinda worried!! without studying XD ~ 


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Gym DAY! :)

Today is Saturday  , wakeeupp at 10. am Preapared for our GYM DAY !! :) 
Can't wait for dat !! :) <3 SKIIP :)
Arrive there me and Jonathan wait Cally and Ting :) after a few minutes then Ting had arrive, Cally will late for a few minutes because she had something to do :) We went up at the Permonate hotel ther , We went wrong place XD then we back and went up to 5 At last! Arrive!! :) Can't wait ! for it , We took our things and payed then went in toilet to had a changed , Then me and Ting meet jona at the gym outside ther , We start our gym with Running together !feel good before that Cally had ariive ^^ 
After that 2.40 we had our Sauna ~ So hot hot ther inside :D  Keep laughing and talking XD after that We had our SPA!! this is the thing i Most like!! :D Whee!! Having fun inside :) Jona alone at the mantoilet XD WE sit in the water for spa a bout 20 more minutes , Keep talking and worried about our towel XD keep float up and felt wanted drop XD  after that we prepared to end the day : ) then , We go esternplaza shoping centre ,  gai gai and we eat wedges and drink hot choclate :))After that I went to Quang Ming but something but ther dosen't sell .Then my car had arrive :) So !! GO home~~  



Friday, May 6, 2011

What A Sweet Couple =]

6May : )

This Picture kinda ugly !! I am fat like an ass at there :( XD This Is me and my pig Lui , She kinda funny :D WE always share our things and our SECRET!! :) You are the most funny girl I ever meet XD and Most crazy XD pig luii , she helps me alot , Last year we not really Closed but now we more close =] And one of my luii .. She kinda cute , pretty and she treat me good :) and you always talks alot with me and I am the same too!! We can't stop talking everyday ;D Although sit as far , still talk XD  Thanks yea lui! for being my friend :) that who can listen my any one of my words :)

About this girl also one of my stupiak sistar <3 at the outside , she looks kinda cool isn't it ? But she are not :D She prefect in everything :) for ex Like sports she good in run ! Don't want play chasing game with her :D cuz she run so fast <3 haha ~ Although she sumtimes look cool but she treat me good too , Somtimes she good in everything feel jelouse too XD Although we are closed and our things was same at all XD almost , but I don't want treat her like my bestfriend , I scared I will lost her in a short time , I treat her like my sistar :) Cuz when I need her , She also will share and help me in any problems , Thanks my dar sistar :) Although you sometimes treat me cool but I know you still care me : ) thank you :D Although sometimes her Bfriend Khimberly look like dosen't like me , But I just wunt so close to you guys , I just will spent my time with you anytime you need me :)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today's day is had our English test ( Learn A Word A Day )
some students brought their paper together in the test XD !! haha ~Lui also got , but she not really dare to look once :D haha~ but she teach me , And I know the meaning but when I answered I had forgotten ! DAmn~~ haha :D K la ~ Exam coming soon! Good Luck for everyone ! All da best <3 Night :D


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today is Mother's Day !

Today is Mother's Day!! I almost forgot XD Omg~  I am not suppose to forgot it!! Argh , Mom , Sorry I don't have Bought you anything :( But I Wish you with my real hear ( Happy Mother's Day ,Mom ! Love you <3 ) ^^
And dad at Sarawak , God bless Him <3 Pray that he was healthy there yea <3  Kinda miss Him , oh yeah ,
Exam ! Left one or two days I think ? >.<" I kinda nervous Not yet prepare it! and tomorrow is our English lauguage ' Learn A Word A Day ' Test , I just read a few words :D  Hmm :D How am I gonna sit for the exam >< Haha ,
Hehh .. I just suddenly think dat About my friends : ( Miss them <3 much !
Shagua , The first is you , although sometimes dosen't talk with you :( But I really miss you much :( Miss the day you , bakchii and me out together , We are damn CRAZY ..We can laughed on the middle of the road =PP when we can rewind all this make it forward , Argg , and Bakchii :D Did I seized you from Khimberly :( I just felt that when we had our recess time in our school , You guys just thought that  I am invisible , If you guys dosen't like I followed You guys can just inform me , I can quit :) I just don't know that Khimberly Look like dosen't like me : (Hmm I just look like a ghost isn't it ? Huh , But its okay , cause I live for my self , Not because of you , Dosen't mean that without who I can't survive , Bakchei , Miss the day sleeping over your home ~ But now seldom , Cause my dad don't like it :( Sad TT sOBSOB ,auhh , And to Miss you guys much <3 although saw you guys at school , God bless you <3

My dear , Miss you too !! Absoultely !! <3 Dear , Rember when we quarrel , You always Tell me , PLEASE DON'T CRY BABE , I love you much dear :) Much! I never wanted to lost you :) Truely Love you as much as last year !! :) more likey more likey my cute dear , Everyday passing by your class road feel by passing my eyes too :D Although We hurt each other before but I still love you much~~ And I need you!! ~ Without you I don't know who should i ZADIA on XD  muak muak ! Dear exam coming soon! God bless you yea! <3 all the BEST <3 muack~


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Last night , I saw something . But I just don't realised that I saw you and her chat at chatbox , 
After a few seconds , My heart felt so weird and I felt that The mood was coming again : ( 
Felt want to die don't want to be a human , But I rmb god , had told me , 
Can't make my life became like this , Can't give up,  So I was trying to be good , But 
At last I had scold you  : ( Scold you in phone , But in my heart its feel so weird felt 
That I am too sensitive , I am too bad I am so useless . . Hmm 
Dosen't know what to do : ( Then we quarrel again , 
I decided put down my phone and shut down it , I don't want to hurt you again :( 
Than now you had told me everything :( I just realise that I was wrong :(
I scold wrong person :( And you told me , If you donwan me just tell u dun scold u and then pushed u off :( 
Its more hurt . I no mean like this , =[

3 May ~

Dear , You care me alot :( I love u! I love ur protection , I love ur lips , I love the way  you hug me dear ,
I love the way you treat me :) I love it <3 I love it <3
Dear , Your are cute , awesome :) perfect , I love just the way u are! :)
Dear , exam is almost arrive , a few days is the EXAM , dear :)
jia you enn ?God bless you <3 
Wish your exam Result will better than last exam :) muak muak ^^ Dear  , 
Last night I heard you sleeping ^^ I can't sleep I felt so worried bout my exam and keep thinking how to past my life :( My tears fallen :( 
I just feel so xinfu lea hav dear ^^ mayb Now just left dear
that i can share my sad things ler , 
Dear , I love u = ( Dear , Did you know how much I love you ~ Much much you know dat ~ 
Obviously , Dear ~ I wish your are mine forver :( but
this mean mean nothing . 
Because it dosen't meaningfull :( Just a word , 
Dear , This year SPM ,gonna add oil!! CHeerUp 
wish dear hav
e a good result as what dear want ^^ 
After that dear gonna go out study , Its ok la ^^ For ur future dear ~ 
I will wait eu : ( <3 Love you ,