Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3 May ~

Dear , You care me alot :( I love u! I love ur protection , I love ur lips , I love the way  you hug me dear ,
I love the way you treat me :) I love it <3 I love it <3
Dear , Your are cute , awesome :) perfect , I love just the way u are! :)
Dear , exam is almost arrive , a few days is the EXAM , dear :)
jia you enn ?God bless you <3 
Wish your exam Result will better than last exam :) muak muak ^^ Dear  , 
Last night I heard you sleeping ^^ I can't sleep I felt so worried bout my exam and keep thinking how to past my life :( My tears fallen :( 
I just feel so xinfu lea hav dear ^^ mayb Now just left dear
that i can share my sad things ler , 
Dear , I love u = ( Dear , Did you know how much I love you ~ Much much you know dat ~ 
Obviously , Dear ~ I wish your are mine forver :( but
this mean mean nothing . 
Because it dosen't meaningfull :( Just a word , 
Dear , This year SPM ,gonna add oil!! CHeerUp 
wish dear hav
e a good result as what dear want ^^ 
After that dear gonna go out study , Its ok la ^^ For ur future dear ~ 
I will wait eu : ( <3 Love you ,

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