Saturday, May 14, 2011

c :

I not really know what to say ler : ( I changed or you changed le  , Whose wrong is not important ..
Dear , You still love me or not , But when I ask you how many percen you love me ,But you answered me That You don't know : ( This feel so hurt .. Just you not know how much you love me :( How le ? This mean what ?
Should we stopp ? Don't so fast jue ding >< I love you lea , I miss you , I need you , But do you ??
You know what you want ma ? Is that every couple also have the same problem ? Isit ? I just can't stop thinking , Last night , I cried whole night , Did you know ? : ( You knw , But I not dare to talk , I dunwan you to feel sad :(
Dear . . Do you love me ? :( Just Yes or No ... almost one year le , If we stop here , So waste le .. so hard walk together till today , Just stop like dat ? I wun't ... I must protect this love !! I don't want to lost my love again! :( !!
Just walk and c what happening on next . Love u!

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