Sunday, May 15, 2011

我的淚就如水龍頭一樣的一直為你而流XD 这是真的吗??

Dear Bloggie , I think that my eye so sensetive , Just a small thing My tears also will drop like dis ><
I thought you will break with me today , But you no , I felt dat you dosen't care me le , But now I got felt dao you still care me , Dear , When you said dat you donoe How the feel when you fal in someone , After I explain To dear , you just understand , Dear , I Love you much lea =[ Wish dat you won't leave me ,But if i force dear also no use , Because ur heart no me inside already ,But dear now You tell me you love me more than 100 percen more , I felt a little bit happy because you still have that heart to fix me inside ..thankss dear :) Dear , Don't know why how much u hurt me ,I still love u much and more and much!! Dear :( Pray that we don't break our promise <3
21 days more jiu one year le , If break like dis , so waste lea :( Muack , I will be more perfect , More good , more care , More Love you dear :( I will try my best lea :( love you .

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