Thursday, March 10, 2011

10 March

Today exam in school...all subject okok only just the science hard le a bit ..:C
Hmmm...2mr exxam ps ,maths, sejarah and p.moral again..wish that i knw how to do...
Dear today saw dao eu at ur class outside..c dao eu keep laughing and smiling..
Suddenly felt so warm and happy ...long time no c dao eu so happy like dat..hehe..
Just now chat with dear bout our future...haha:) and just now afternun clean my room and change all my things to other place... i can't wait for holiday...yeah...and sat i can't wait to meet eu dear...
suddenly chat dao bout dear go colege will how..
Hmm...mayb everyboy d atitues is diffrent...
Dear miss eu now..=[ ..
Just now no current alone at scared...
suddenly think back haohao treat me bad ..he leave me alone when no current and raining so heavyly..
he said he was busying playing his game...
Dear good then him many times...dear pui me..and teman me sms..
But late reply and so cool..dear ...=C
I don't why i so love eu...ITs not wrong love eu...No meaning at all ^^
Just i love u muchyy!! as long as u happy the same with me :)
Dear....wish eu all the best 2mr exam!!<33 love eu...
284days moree<333

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