Friday, March 18, 2011

I wish everything will be alright .

Thinking bout money $$ dreaming bout money . Wishing money drop from the sky .

Missing old friends . Missing our memories .Missing the day we meet .

Missing my buddy . Missing the day we out together .

bout eu wish eu will here for me .Wishing eu are mine forever
them who cares me . missing the old them who always stay beside me at hum.

Wishing everything back to normal. thinking bout eu guys .

waiting  the day come  . waiting ............

Everything so complicated just like a song ..

Life Change to Black and White .

Everybody busying STUDY , WORKING , change to busy lifes..

Without enjoying , without colourful..

Everyone change so selfish , change so evil .

This world change so complicated.

What should Do . take it as a reality.

Honestly I hate my life! 


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