Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stress !! =.=

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
 Why they need to mix it up .. looks like their problem ? 
PLEASE. Go away . We don't need eu guys to help us .
We can solve by our self. Its not our fault its my dad fault.
He don't understand what we want .
He good at all i knew that . But he treat my mum and bro just like a shit .
WHy ? ? 
Our life is build by eu ? Ur wrong ! Idiot! 
You guys said bad things about me ? puikk..Don't so proud that eu guys are RICH.
Got people rich than eu guys .Don't so PROUD EU IDIOT DOG..
I hate eu! You guys look people down ..
You thought ur rich and eu can said us like tat ?
One day i rich than u , u should be my dog ;.Listen it! 
WTF with eu . ***FAMILY ? SHIT FAMILY,, hate eu!! ><
 Don't cum and take our problem look like so easy to solve it.
Go out from my life.. Ur such a bitch ! 
If eu guys wan to alive .
Go A=W=A=Y .. 

Need i spell to eu ? G=O A=W=A=Y !! fucker!!

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