Sunday, March 6, 2011


失败了..尝试了很多次..都失败了~ Grrr...Hard lea..But im trying my best to do it :) because i believe in This :)This is my first lesson..Of course failed :) Dear wait for me yea..I will give eu eat my first cook :D^.< I will! I promise^^ Cross my heart:P Dear dear I love eu dear^^ No matter how..No matter how bad eu are..How ugly eu always the most perfect for me <3 Love eu..



Amei...suddenly miss u la..dun say me less yea...:) im not..i just miss the time i live at ur house ^ eat and laugh together......:P
This few week felt dat im so bad..keep talk those not good things..This week amei felt so bad mud.;.dun knw scared talk with her..later say wrong things give she scold..i better just keep quiet..I m so sorry amei if i say wrong things..U knw what.. i no c and meet guo so good friends like eu :) In my whole pimary friends all so bad to me they thought me like their dog...but i never blame them..cuz this is a simple and easy things..and god knws who good who bad..:) God ..I pray that me and her relationship never end :) I like and glad eu to be my friend :) love eu yea<3

At here i can write what i want..Share out my mood here...
I am trying to be the best of ur part ...But i am those girl who like a kid ><
I am so sorry if eu guys dosen't like my atitue..i not really perfetc but im trying to do what eu guys want....just looking forward...everything will fine!! yea... 


Mumi...Miss eu too lea..long time didn't out with eu..hmm:( Wish eu and dadi always love yea...always the most sweet ^^ and mumi thanks for ur care this whole year ^^ love eu...wish eu always healthy and happy without me too :) I will always pray eu guys here^^ <3  

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