Tuesday, March 8, 2011

8 march

Today sold my phone to my friend Ronnie :) 
he gav me his phone then i go sell then he add some money and pay me..
He untung so many XD aiyoo...sorry wo...my phone too expensive><
And now using amei brorrow me de phone...use till 1month more gua..xin buy X10..hmmm.
Dear ar...miss eu jor today...thought u no go school mana tau c eu play 
at ther wa...yai yai yer...:) anyway love u muchyyy<3 
dear arh......my phone suddenly out of creadit owh..-[
cnnt sms eu owh...huhu want wait dad back xin can sms cuz ask he help me reload..
Now i worry is i scared dad c dao me use amei handphone...huhu..
just now sold le the phone got rm210 2mr ronnie give me rm200 and next time give me rm300
Jiu finish pay lu...so that i can buy my x!0 i can't wait ><
Grrr...so sleepy grrr...tonight need to tuition and format my lappy and update window seven..
bring le to len len there 3 times ...till now still not yet update><
grrr..moneyyyyyyyyy i need eu...cum here :PP
Dear arh wait eu finish tuition yea....love eu!! <3

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