Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fun Day with my 0ld friends^^

Today early morning Crah call me wake up ask me go Grace Plaza ..
Then i sleep back XD Then i wake up again...I think i need to go!!
Cuz  i miss my old friends!! wheee..
Then go patpat and dress up jiu go Grace le..
Wahhhh saw dao my old friends was together standing at outside..
They all grown up le..just like me!! :D
Miss them much!!
We go together and having fun together ..keep take picture..:D
Then we go to MTV they sing k ! XD yee voice so..nice laaXDDD
THen we go gaigai at quang ming ...then we go near pasar their mamam..
Hothot arhh ther @@
Then go high way owh!!
we naik the kapal so fun1! but so scary !!!
Scared sei me le...
THen we go other side high way take picture and laughing talking @@
Then jiu back le Crah and Cdah d shop....then jiu go hum!!:D

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