Thursday, March 3, 2011

4 March ( Frydei) :)

Today nothing special just goin school and ..It look like normal..hmm..
Today suddenly got a feeling to make my Schedule become full...
I don't know why..Suddenly felt worried bout my future..eumm..
More worried and worried....I want to ask my dad give me learn drawing 
In Yamaha or not..But i think he wunt give..:( Nevermind..
I pay myself if can't...hmmm~ Dear ar..Today eu don't have go school..
Eu sick or lazy that i don't ..:P But if u don't want go school.
 I can't force eu too dear...its okay dear..let eu rest at home kays:)
And we are texting now ..Dear busy i don't distrb eu first :)
Just back from amei le sup and rice..Life getting bored..
Dear god, please blessed my parents ...pray that their love never end..
God , can eu help me .. I want to learn something..I promise i wunt give up nex time ..:( 
I Promise..:(
Jesus...I love eu pray that eu will forgive my sins..I will try to be good ..
God..I promise that I want to be polite Don't be too naughty..
Pray all this is jesus name..Amen<3
I wish that somebody knows how i feel now..Just let my bloggie knows ..
Exam coming soon...Cheer Up! Candy >o<
Just now at amei house ..i saw my tabung full of my money..
In my whole life..this is my first time save alot of money..wao$$

hahaxx..=) Just wish that i have a lot of money that i can do what i want ><
So tamak owh><
K le...Byebye <3

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