Sunday, March 27, 2011


At last save my money enough and my X10..
TOUCH SCREEN, nice too ..Practice + ing how to message and other.
Kinda hard and kinda not 'XIGUAN' haha.,
And so BIG ..and so HEAVY XD
then need save money again , to buy clothssssssS<3
mine BLACK and amei one is WHITE ,.


Last night , go PERDANA CLUB , with amei,yong,tieng,and Ivory : )
We decide to eat ther, but full of people and booked.=.='
Thean ask YITYING cum and fetch us go KUBOTA , 
At ther mamam ..The food so damn slow='=
Always wait one hour ther ,= =
so angry then we all keep ask the 'KAKAK' faster!!
Then the food arrive= = 
Then eat ler , We go 100 Yean ..Hang gaigai..~
Then jiu back hum ..


Today go dear house ^^
Play and laugh with him =] And talk and play lappy ~~
Dear miss euu!! <3
Never lost euuuuuu~
Just can fill eu inside my HEART !! :<3

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