Tuesday, March 22, 2011

22 march .

Today nothing special , Just so happy my dad suddenly gave money to me : )
Felt happy although dad was keep quiet at the back and look like mad but at last he , gave it to me too :)
Dad eu are good but eu treat mum not good .. i dunlike it : (
Please , treat her more better ? can ? 
God , pray that eu will forgive my sins .. That i did wrong thingss =[
God and pray that i can play the piano song , for the youth got talent i think. hmm..
I kinda scared , my brain kinda slow catch things =C
Dear , I miss you so much today^^
Mum start work tonight emm, will late a bit back hum ~
Pray that i can buy the phone and pray that got video call ><
Pray tomorrow got a lucky DAY .:)

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